Baitcasting reels are typically some of the most popular fishing reels for a number of reasons. First, they’re great for wrestling with a fish. Nothing holds out strong in a fight like a Shimano Reel, particularly a Round Baitcaster.
Do you ever have trouble casting? These Shimano Reels are great for casting if you have trouble keeping the cast under control.
If your preference is heavy line, grab one of these Shimano Reels. For light line, no so much, but for you deep sea fishermen out there, these Round Baitcasting Shimano Reels handle heave line like a charm.
And, if you’re like me, you might have trouble (occasionally – let’s face it, even the best have issues sometimes…) placing the lure exactly where you want. Round Baitcasing Shimano Reels facilitate spool thumbing, thus allowing you to place the lure exactly where you want it. Pretty cool, huh? Personally, I wish more reels had this feature.
I know I said the Round Baitcaster was a piece of cake to cast, and I might have exaggerated a little bit. Let me clarify:
- Shimano Reels are easier that most to cast
- Baitcasters, by nature, require more skill to cast
- Round Baitcasting Shimano Reels take practice to learn but are easier than most
Also, as discussed above, this is a Fishing Reel for a heavy lure / line combo. Don’t even think about tossing out a light lure – this Shimano Reel won’t do it.
The good news is that you can expect pricing to start around $70 bucks. Not bad for Shimano Reels, right?
Ok, let’s talk about the negatives. I know I’ve been pumping up Baitcaster, but I have to be honest with you – there are a few ugly truths about baitcasters.
With Baitcasters, you’re going to get backlashes. Just a matter of fact. Certainly nothing against Shimano Reels. So if you’ve got your heart set on a round bait casting Shimano Reel, just expect to spend a little (and I do mean a little, not a lot) of time working out backlashes.
Another downer about baitcasters is that they’re one of the more complicated reels (part wise) out there. Cleaning this puppy will be a chore. But then, cleaning any reel can be a chore! Luckily, Shimano Reels are constructed extremely well, so you’ll be impressed when you take it apart for that initial cleaning. Then again, you could always out-source your cleaning…
All in all, every true fisherman needs a baitcaster. My preference: Shimano Baitcasting Reels. They’re the best, hands down. Round out your collection if you don’t own one already. You’ll regret not being able to use the round baitcaster when you’re in a situation that demands one. And trust me, the cleaning isn’t that bad. That’s the best part about going with Shimano Reels – any negatives are so few and far between that they’re totally worth it!
It’s like comparing coca-cola and pepsi (sorry pepsi fans!).
Seriously though, one is clearly better. And in the case of Round Baitcasters, nothing beats Shimano Reels.
Round out that collection, check out Shimano’s line of Round Baitcasters today.
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